- ClassRoom/Replay, Volte
- 7 (Registered)
- 1 Section
- 1 Lesson
- Lifetime
- VoLTE Optimization Huawai1
5G NR Knowledge.
Knowledge of eMBB, URLCC, MMTC.
5G RAN ARCHITECTURE, NR NSA mobility, Massive Mimo, Beamforming, 5G Frame structure, Ultra lean design, 5G QOS compare with LTE, Ericsson & Huawei RAN system for 5G. 5G planning Knowledge.
RF Planning & Optimization in LTE & VOLTE Network
Planning new LTE Macro & IBS sites.
• Cluster-based RF optimization
• Preparation of CDD for LTE network. PCI & RSN planning.
• Analysis of LTE Radio KPIs, investigation, and improvement of network quality problems.
• Implementation of new features and tuning LTE radio network parameters.
• LTE Cell planning, coverage predictions, traffic dimensioning, interference analysis, optimization of the Radio Access Networks in accordance with TRA.
• Forecasts and studies to determine future Radio Base Station and network capacity needs.
• Optimisation of newly integrated LTE sites and expansions, and focus areas.
• Technical investigations of the LTE Radio Access Network; accessibility, capacity and retain ability studies.
• Getting LTE Sites accepted from the customer RF planning team.