VoLTE Optimization Ericsson
- ClassRoom/Replay, Volte
- 13 (Registered)
5G NR Knowledge.
Knowledge of eMBB, URLCC, MMTC.
5G RAN ARCHITECTURE, NR NSA mobility, Massive Mimo, Beamforming, 5G Frame structure, Ultra lean design, 5G QOS compare with LTE, Ericsson & Huawei RAN system for 5G. 5G planning Knowledge.
RF Planning & Optimization in LTE & VOLTE Network
Planning new LTE Macro & IBS sites.
• Cluster-based RF optimization
• Preparation of CDD for LTE network. PCI & RSN planning.
• Analysis of LTE Radio KPIs, investigation, and improvement of network quality problems.
• Implementation of new features and tuning LTE radio network parameters.
• LTE Cell planning, coverage predictions, traffic dimensioning, interference analysis, optimization of the Radio Access Networks in accordance with TRA.
• Forecasts and studies to determine future Radio Base Station and network capacity needs.
• Optimisation of newly integrated LTE sites and expansions, and focus areas.
• Technical investigations of the LTE Radio Access Network; accessibility, capacity and retain ability studies.
• Getting LTE Sites accepted from the customer RF planning team.