Self Organizing Network

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What is SON?

What is SON?

SON (Self Organizing Network) solutions can be divide into three categories: Self-Configuration. Self-optimisation Self-Healing The SON architecture can be a centralize, distribute or a hybrid solution. SELF-CONFIGURATION: This is the dynamic plug-and-play configuration of newly deployed eNBs. The eNB will by itself configure the Physical Cell Identity, transmission frequency, and power, leading to faster cell…

What is SON?

What is SON?

SON (Self Organizing Network) solutions can be divide into three categories: Self-Configuration. Self-optimisation Self-Healing The SON architecture can be a centralize, distribute or a hybrid solution. SELF-CONFIGURATION: This is the dynamic plug-and-play configuration of newly deployed eNBs. The eNB will by itself configure the Physical Cell Identity, transmission frequency, and power, leading to faster cell…