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Find Your Focus What is RIC? Ran Intelligent Controller Near-RT RIC Non-RT RIC In this article, we will discuss Non-RT RIC Ran Intelligent Controller Near-RT RIC Non-RT RIC In this article, we will discuss Non-RT RIC What is Non-RT RIC? A Non-RealTime RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) is an Orchestration and Automation function described by the…

Near-RT RIC Architecture

Near-RT RIC Architecture

Find Your Focus What is RIC(Ran Intelligent Controller)? Near-RT RIC(O-RAN Near-Real-Time RAN Intelligent Controller: A logical function that enables near-real-time control and optimization of RAN elements and resources via fine-grained data collection and actions over E2 interface.) Non-RT RIC(O-RAN Non-Real-Time RAN Intelligent Controller: A logical function within SMO that drives the content carried across the…

O-RAN Architecture

O-RAN Architecture

Find Your Focus O-RAN Architecture Principle The O-RAN architecture and interface specifications shall be consistent with the 3GPP architecture and interface specifications to the extent possible.  The architecture shows that the four key interfaces – namely, A1, O1, Open Fronthaul M-plane & O2– connect SMO (Service Management and Orchestration)framework to O-RAN network functions and O-Cloud….