Niloofar Khorram

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5G Main Abbreviations

5G Main Abbreviations

3GPP 3rd generation partnership program5G-GUTI 5G globally unique temporary identity5G-AN 5G access network5GC 5G core network5GMM 5G mobility management5GSM 5G session management5GTF 5G technical Forum5QI 5G QoS identifier AAA Authentication, authorization and acountingACK AcknowledgementAKA Authentication and key agreementAM Acknowledged modeAMBR Aggregate maximum bit rateAMC Adaptive modulation and codingAMD Acknowledge mode dataAMF Access and mobility management…

Reference signal LTE VS NR

Reference signal LTE VS NR

REFERENCE SIGNAL USE IN NETWORK LTE 5G-NR DL Channel State Information CRS, CSI-RS CSI-RS UL Channel State Information SRS SRS Data Channel Modulation CRS,DMRS DMRS Control Channel Demodulation CRS DMRS Phase tracking   PTRS Time and Frequency Tracking CRS TRS Beam Management   SSB,CSI-RS Radio Link Monitoring CRS CSI-RS,SSB RRM Measurement CRS CSI-RS,SSB

System Information Block LTE

System Information Block LTE

System Information Block  System information is divided into the MasterInformationBlock (MIB) and a number of SystemInformationBlocks (SIBs). System Information Blocks in LTE, SIBs carry relevant information for the UE, which helps UE to access a cell, perform cell re-selection, information related to INTRA-frequency, INTER-frequency, and INTER-RAT cell selections. In LTE there are 13 types of…

PTRS – Reference signal

PTRS – Reference signal

Phase Tracking Reference Signal (PTRS) PT-RS use is mainly to estimate and minimize the effect of CPE on system performance. Due to the phase noise properties, PT-RS signal has a low density in the frequency domain and a high density in the time domain. PT-RS always occurs in combination with DM-RS and only when the…

Overview of L1 functions( Physical Layer)

Overview of L1 functions( Physical Layer)

The physical layer is expected to perform the following functions to provide the data transport service Error detection on the transport channel and indication to higher layers; FEC encoding/decoding of the transport channel; Hybrid ARQ soft-combining; Rate matching of the coded transport channel to physical channels; Mapping of the coded transport channel onto physical channels;…

What is SON?

What is SON?

SON (Self Organizing Network) solutions can be divide into three categories: Self-Configuration. Self-optimisation Self-Healing The SON architecture can be a centralize, distribute or a hybrid solution. SELF-CONFIGURATION: This is the dynamic plug-and-play configuration of newly deployed eNBs. The eNB will by itself configure the Physical Cell Identity, transmission frequency, and power, leading to faster cell…